How to Experience A Gathering of Stories

This two day storytelling event will very much be enhanced by how you prepare yourself and your space for the journey. Created a beautiful space for yourself, whether you’re watching on your computer, or connecting it to your TV, can provide the retention space to fully receive the magic.


This experience can be very similar to a TV broadcast, and you there are a few ways to connect your computer or phone to your TV. (If you’re not already tech savvy, best to google for tutorials on your specific situation).

Regardless, having great sound will very much enhance your journey. You can wear good headphones, or hook your computer up to a better sound system.


Take some time to put together an altar. Maybe this includes some elements from your own landscape. In the northern hemisphere, we are observing Imbolc and quickening towards Spring. Brigid is the archetype who is present this time of year and her colors are green and white. 

Candles, stones, and an altar cloth in these colors might be appropriate, as well as a bowl of water from a nearby natural source, since she is also associated with healing wells. Snowdrops, nettle tops, or witch hazel are some other plants you can bring into your space. 

In the southern hemisphere, you are experiencing the “first harvest”. Wheat, oats, goldenrod, or asters might be blooming near you. 

The theme of the event is of course tending the soul of masculinity, but you can further personalize the message for yourself by pulling a tarot or oracle card and placing it on your altar to meditate on while you’re receiving the medicine of the stories being told.


It’s also helpful to have a journal handy to record your initial reactions, questions that come up, and what you are feeling in your body at certain times.

You might also wish to reflect on why you decided to attend this event - what questions are you carrying about the masculine soul? How has it shown up in your life and people around you? Write these down before we start the weekend.


And of course, having water and snacks handy can help to keep you going.

Some of our favorite herbs to help keep your mind centered and focused are tulsi, rosemary, and lemon balm. For opening and softening the emotional heart and inviting a connection with the Otherworld, rose and hawthorn are my favorite allies, either in tea or tincture.


Many of us are living screen-filled lives these days, so please honor your body if it’s telling you to take a break. We’ve built frequent pauses into the schedule, but please feel welcome to go for a quick walk if you need to (you’ll have the recordings afterwards!).

You can also do a few sun salutations, neck stretches, or just simply sit back and close your eyes to soften your gaze and receive the experience through your ears only.


You probably have your own great ideas on how to prepare and best navigate this experience. We encourage you to experiment, dive deep, and have fun!